She Walks in Beauty-Summary,Explanation,Analysis,Literary Devices and Themes



She Walks in Beauty was written by Lord Byron, also known as George Gordon. He was an English poet of the early 19th century and belonged to the Romanticism Era. When we talk about Romanticism, we know William Wordsworth, Blake, and Coleridge were old Romantic poets, and Byron was a young poet. This poem was written in 1814 and later on published in 1815. She Walks in Beauty is one of Byron’s poems that is considered famous, popular, and one of the easiest poems that can be recognized easily.

This very poem is a celebration of beauty, both inner and outer. There are so many poems regarding beauty, but it has regard to be the first one.

Brief Summary of the Poem:

This poem starts with a line addressed to an unnamed lady, and her beauty is described. She is compared with many universal things. Then there is the contrast between light and dark. And it is also told that she is not only beautiful, but she is pure and innocent from the inside, and her love is innocent.

Stanza Wise Explanation:

Stanza 1:

She walks in beauty, like the night

Of cloudless climes and starry skies;

And all that's best of dark and bright

Meet in her aspect and her eyes:

Thus mellowed to that tender light

Which heaven to gaudy day denies.


Here the beauty is compared with the darkness, although in some poems it is compared with the brightness. In Shakespeare's poem, it is compared with the day of summer. The night described here is light full of stars and cloudless. It is bright but not brighter than a day. Here the contrast between day and night is drawn, and it is continued further in the poem. Every great thing of darkness and brightness is here in this woman and shows all aspects of beauty, both facial and inner, in her personality.

Stanza 2:

One shade the more, one ray the less,

Had half impaired the nameless grace

Which waves in every raven tress,

Or softly lightens o'er her face;

Where thoughts serenely sweet express

How pure, how dear their dwelling place.


In these lines, we see a significant and extreme balance drawn between bright and dark. And this balance is like if one thing goes down, all the things and balance of the poem will mess up, and the rhythm will not be there. The beauty is so much that there are no words to describe it. The description given here is inner feelings tried to portray in words. There is a grace that is there in her every lock and which brightens her face. Her face and inside are so pure that her every thought can be read by her face. Her expressions are as true as her inside, showing how pure and innocent she is.

Stanza 3:

And on that cheek, and o'er that brow,

So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,

The smiles that win, the tints that glow,

But tell of days in goodness spent,

A mind at peace with all below,

A heart whose love is innocent!


Her smile is so precious and pretty that it blushes on her cheeks and forehead. Her smile shows that her expressions are true, which are shown on her face, and can easily be judged. Her expressions show how quiet and calm she is. This calm smile shows that she spends her life on good deeds, which is why she is so calm. All of this leads her mind to peace and rest. The last line of this poem tells that her love is purely innocent, not for any sexual desire.

Analysis of the Poem:

This poem is set at night, cloudless, where some stars are full of light. This light is compared with the beauty of a woman and is in contrast with the daylight. It is told that this very beauty is so much pure and innocent. And in this poem, external beauty is defined, but with this, the inner beauty is portrayed and told that she is pure, kind, and innocent from the inside, which is why she looks so beautiful and gorgeous from the outside. The poem is in musical rhythm, and one can feel the music in it while reading. Long vowel sounds are used so that they can be pronounced loud and clear during musical reading. The poem’s meter is iambic tetrameter. There are four syllables in each line of the poem. Stressed syllables follow unstressed syllables. The rhyming scheme of this poem is ABABABCDCDCDEFEFEF.

Literary Devices Used in the Poem: 

·       The simile is used in the poem, and there is a comparison of beauty and night. And this very thing is started from line one and is an example of a simile.

·       Enjambments: This means some lines are joined with the other lines without pause. 

·       In the word cloudless climes, the repetition of the cl sound is an alliteration.

·       The repetition of the s sound is some lines in sibilance

·       The use of synesthesia is also there. By using the word, tender and light senses, are mixed up how the blur is like bright light.

·       Personification is there. Heaven is personified in the sixth line, and then smiles, tints, and blushes are also personified when they are called eloquent and told about her good deeds. Thoughts are personified also.

·       By describing the mind as a place of dwelling the poet has used metaphor.

Themes of the Poem:


Appearance is very significant in the whole poem as with appearance the beauty of a woman is described in many ways with the comparison of night and day.


Those principles are meant that are of that unnamed woman. By following these principles she is pure and innocent from the inside. And because of this purity, she looks exceptionally gorgeous from the outside.

Women and Femininity:

Only one woman is focused on here, though all are addressed because the element of beauty is similar in all women. Women do not tell about themselves. Usually, they are objectified by other people. Here poet tells about the beauty of this unnamed woman, describing her different moments and expressions, and says that he can also read her thoughts.

Awe and Amazement:

The way of describing the beauty shows the poet is worshiping her. She is idolized, and he compares beauty to those vast things that are universal. And by doing this her beauty seems almost supernatural.

She Walks in Beauty is described above in all aspects.



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