Katharina Reiss' Concept of Translation & Buhler's Tripartite Division of the Text



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Katharina Reiss borrows Buhler’s tripartite division of texts. How does she apply the concept to translation?

Before Katharina Reiss' theory, some theories were linguistic and focused on words or sentences during translation, but Katharina changed the path and shifted the study to a functionalist and communicative approach.

She built her theory on the concept of equivalence. She focused on the text on the level at which communication is achieved and at which equivalence must be sought. She did not focus on words or sentences much. She aimed to systematize the assessment of translation. While describing her theory, she borrowed Karl Buhler’s tripartite division of text and linked the types of texts or communicative situations in which those texts occur or are used.

According to her, there are four types of texts:

1.    Informative text: These texts are straightforward communication of facts comprising opinions, knowledge, information, and all the rest. The logical language dimension is used by a speaker or author while transmitting these texts, and the emphasis in this type of communication is the content or topic.

2.    Expressive text: In these types of texts, authors use an aesthetic or artistic dimension of language, and both the author and the message are foregrounded.

3.    Operative text: These types of texts include behavioral responses from readers or receivers. The language dimension is dialogically used to transmit these types of texts, and the focus is appellative. The author or speaker aims to appeal to or persuade a reader or receiver to act in a certain way, after reading the given text.

4.    Audio-medial: These are films, visual or spoken ads, and others. These mediums supplement the first three types of texts, with visual images and music.

So she said there are certain functions of different types of texts. But while examining them extensively she recognized, that there are some texts which are hybrid, which means that their function is not one, but they are conveying two or more functions at the same time. Biography is a hybrid text which has two functions of the same type: informative and expressive.

Because of this hybridity in texts, she stated that transmission of the predominant function of the source text (ST) is the determining factor by which the translated text (TT) will be judged.

She gave specific translation methods according to different text types:

1.    The TT of informative text should transmit all the referential and conceptual content of the ST. The translation of an informative text should be done in simple prose format without any redundancy but the author will explain some things where there is a need.

2.    The TT of an expressive text should transmit the aesthetic and the art form of the ST. Translator while translating this type of text should adopt the perspective of the author of the ST and should apply identifying method.

3.    The TT of an operative text should persuade the desired response in the receiver of TT. The translator should create an equivalent effect among the readers of TT and should employ the adaptive method.

After giving these ways of translation she listed the series of intra-linguistic and extra-linguistic instruction criteria by which according to her authenticity or accuracy of the TT must be assessed.

Intra-linguistic criteria involve semantic, lexical, grammatical, and stylistic features. And on the other hand, extra-linguistic criteria involve situation, time, subject field, place, sender, receiver, and affective implications.

She described the importance of these criteria and that these will vary according to the types of texts. The texts with a focus on content will focus on semantics, likewise, the news texts will focus on grammar on second hand and the book of science will focus on style first. She stated that while translating the expressive text it is more important that the metaphors should be retained. She also told us that there are some situations in which the function of ST will change from the function of TT after translating them. She gave us the example of Gulliver’s Travels which was an attack on the government but nowadays the translation which is the TT function as entertaining fiction. She also stated that sometimes the communicative function changes while translating one text. She gave the example of a political speech. If one is translating a political speech and only wants to focus on the policies then the communicative function will be changed. ST served an operative function but the TT will serve an informative or expressive function.

So this is how she borrowed the three-way categorization, in the functions of the language of Buhler, and she stated the different functions of text types, which will be translated according to their function. By giving this theory, she gave the concept of translation according to the text types. After her research, this theory was criticized by so many critics, because functions vary from text to text and there can be hybrid texts too, but even though this theory has some place in history.


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