04 Best Free Ways to Make Money Online in Future



In this fast pace world, to survive, everyone is trying to earn as much money as one can. Everybody can observe that the world is going through a crisis, and things are getting expensive and expensive. So a middle-class person cannot live until he has some side business through which he can earn enough to make his family survive in this challenging situation. Moreover, people also like to make extra money by sitting at home. In this article further, I will discuss some Online Business strategies that anyone can start today and will earn through it.

1. Freelancing:

Freelancing is to sell and provide your skills online, which you have learned and practiced enough to acquire professional status. For example, if you are a content writer, graphic designer, videographer or logo designer, or any other skill you have, you can earn a handsome earning by providing and selling them online on different platforms.

The first step is finding websites like Upwork, fiver, freelancer.com, or some others. Then the second step is to sign up and create an eye-catching profile. Then search for a field in which you are best. Publish your gigs there and wait for a customer to reply and send work. Once you get your first order, try to complete it with your best skills and hard work. Try to finish it on time and do your best to make your client happy. This is how you will get good feedback, reviews, and ratings. It will help you to boost your gig, and you will receive more orders.

2. Content Creation:

As it is clear from the word creation, you must create some online content to earn online. Creation is of many types, like blogging, YouTube videos, Instagram Posts, Facebook Pages, and all others.

The first step is to create content that is worth seeing, so people see your content and get something out of it. Then you must apply for monetization. Once your site is approved, your site will appear with ads that will pay you an amount you can get to your account. In this content, you can also publish your services and skills. After watching your published ad they will contact you to take your services and pay you for that. This is somehow a bit long way to earn a handsome amount but believe me, once you have started you must stick to it with consistency one day you will get your reward and will earn a handsome amount while sitting in your bed.

3. Affiliate Marketing:

It is one of the best methods to make money online while staying at home. Affiliate Marketing means promoting affiliate products, and whenever any person buy that product with your referral link you will earn a commission. Do not worry it is not always to sell sometimes you can also earn per lead and sometimes per sign-up.

The first step is to sign up with websites like Envato, and Click Bank or you can search for the affiliate programs of big websites like Grammarly, Semrush, etc, and sign up there. Then the second step is to get your affiliate link. The third step is to promote your affiliate link. This step is the most important one which needs attention. Now you must promote your link as much as you can so people see your product and buy it or sign up for it.

There are so many ways to promote your link. One method mentioned above, Content Creation. By creating a blog you can publish ads for your affiliate products on your blog. You can also publish an article on the product defining its benefits and share an affiliate link in it so people will read, understand, and buy that product. You can create a YouTube video and give the link in the description. You can use social sites like Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, etc. to promote your affiliate links. This step needs some effort but once you are on this you will see positive results in sales, and your bank balance will increase.

4. Online Stores:

Last but not least. If you are good at bargaining or good at dealing with people then you can start an online store. Here you can sell a product that is already available in some other stores, you can introduce your handmade crafted products or you can buy a physical product and sell it online on your store. In this modern world, people are in habit of buying products online, so this business will also make a good earning. But always remember one thing keep the quality best and get good reviews. Customer reviews matter a lot. Because of these reviews, new people will order your products, and you will earn a handsome amount of money.


In this article, we have discussed four ways to earn online. These ways are almost free to take start. Starting a YouTube channel does not require any investment. Then with blogger.com, you can start your free blog. Affiliate marketing also does not require any investment because here you are promoting other's products and earning a commission. Online stores may need some investment but it is also a little amount of money.

So do not think too much just take your first step and remain consistent and plan your work, slowly and gradually you will earn thousands.


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