Easiest Minor Tasks to Maintain Your Mental and Physical Health



Every living person wants to maintain his physical and mental health, and he struggles to find some easy tasks to remain healthy. The thing is that people think that there must be some way to stay healthy while sitting, but there is no way like this. There must be some tasks to follow. Every task is not that difficult some tasks are minor and easiest to follow in our daily routine. So here we are today to discuss ten (10) super-duper habits that will maintain and improve your brain health if you follow them every morning regularly for 10 minutes only. It is on you either you can follow all the habits from today or follow them one by one slowly. Once you have started following these directions you will not be lazy anymore and will feel healthy physically and mentally. 

1. Planning Your Day:

If you like your day to go the same as you think then you must give yourself 10 minutes to plan your day daily in the morning or the night before. Through this practice, you will not forget any work and will complete them all in sequence and perfect order. Planning organizes your brain and makes it disciplined. In this manner, it increases your chances to complete all of your tasks on time.

Here is a golden tip for you. You must make your list on paper, not on your mobile, as it will distract you from your goal. You must put a checkmark in front of every task you have completed it will satisfy you and motivate you for the remaining tasks.

2. Think about Your Past Day of Life:

Most people use their mobile phones before sleeping, and after waking up they use their mobile phones again. This mobile phone has almost ruined our lives if we are using it negatively for only wasting our time.

If you want to achieve something great and prominent in your life then make a habit to think about your past day, life, and goals daily in the morning with a peaceful mind only for 10 minutes. You must question yourself which gives you awareness and clarity. Think of your deficiencies and solutions to improve them. Practice daily to improve your every next day from your previous day.

3. Making Your Bed:

A famous quote from Admiral William H. McRaven says:

                       “If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed”.           


In this world, many great men have said they started to change their life by making their beds. There is a psychological reason behind this if you start your day by making your bed early in the morning. It will signal to your brain that you have completed your first task of the day, and this first task will motivate you to complete all other chores of the day. This small habit will impact your physical and mental health psychologically and subconsciously. That is why this habit is practiced also in military training.

4. Stretching Your Body: 

If you feel lazy, or bored. If there is continuous pain in your body, then you must stretch your every muscle for 10 minutes daily in the morning. It will give you relief from the pain and boost your energy.

Famous Orthopedic Surgeon Glenn G. Shi says that if a person stretches his body for some time daily, it will reduce the chances of bones or muscle injury. It will grow muscles, and there will be relief from pain. It will maintain your blood pressure and will provide oxygen to your brain.

So this easiest exercise will relax your body and you will feel flexible and active for the rest of your day.

5. Deep Breathing:

It is almost difficult for most people to meditate or calm their minds for a specific time, but on the other hand, deep breathing is very easiest to learn, and every person can do it without hard work. There are many benefits of this small exercise. You will feel calm and peaceful. Through this, you can improve your concentration and focus level. You can decrease your anger, stress, and anxiety. With all these benefits and some others, it will also boost your energy level.

So you must breathe in and breathe out deeply for 10 minutes daily in the morning, and if your mind feels stressed, and anxious, and you overthink and lack focus, then this small exercise will be helpful for you. You will feel a change in your life. It will benefit you both mentally and physically.

6. One Glass of Water:

Usually, when a person wakes up earlier in the morning, he feels lazy, frustrated, and sometimes feels a headache. It is due to dehydration. Medical research says that after sleeping for six (6) to eight (8) hours there is dehydration in our body due to which brain cells become dry, and there is laziness and frustration in the morning. 70% of our brain contains water so if we drink water in the morning or during the day, it will boost our energy, and our body will feel energetic. So it is a good habit to drink 1 to 2 glasses of water in the morning, which will boost metabolism in your body and eliminate toxins from your body.

Here is a golden tip for you. Must drink your morning glass slowly. If you can do some extra effort to put some water in a copper-made jug at night and drink from it in the morning, it will be more effective. It is just a tip otherwise simple bottled water will be enough.

7. Reading Something Inspiring:

If you want to be motivational and inspiring in the morning till the night, you must read something motivational, positive, or inspirational in the morning. It is not necessary to read a book for an hour, but just 10 minutes are enough. Every page of every book does not contain inspirational or positive incidents, so you must find a book containing short inspirational or motivational stories that you can read 01 per day in ten minutes, and those ten minutes of you will energize you and fill you with motivation, inspiration, and positivity till night and practice this every morning.

8. Taking Sunlight:

Sunlight is necessary for human beings like plants, trees, and other objects. Sunlight plays an important role in our mental health. It affects our mood. It also provides us with Vitamin D and increases the production of Serotonin (happy hormone) in our brain. The rays of sunlight also positively affect the general cognitive system of our brain, which improves our mood and stables it.

If you sit for a long time or many days in your house without sunlight then it will affect your circadian rhythm, and there will be chances of more depression, laziness, and sadness, but you can avoid all these things by just taking sunlight for 10 minutes daily in the morning.

9. Listening to Calm and Motivational Music:

There is a psychological fact that your mood swings according to the music you listen to. Your music taste reveals your personality. If you listen to a particular type of music for a while your mood will change accordingly. You have observed this in your daily life, if you listen to sad music you will remain sad afterward, and if you listen to some rock or energetic music at a party you will feel energetic.

So you must listen to calm, positive, or good instrumental music for ten minutes only in the morning. It will motivate your mood, keep it calm and happy the whole day, and you will feel energetic and remain active afterward. Must not listen to some rock, aggressive or loud music in the morning. You can listen to them later anytime.

10. Taking a Cold Shower:

Research has proven that by taking a cold shower our white blood cells increase, which protects us from diseases and germs. It is a good habit to take a cold shower in summer, obviously not in winter. It will awaken you, clear your mind, boost your energy level, and there will be no laziness in you anymore. So if you want to feel more energized then try to follow this habit daily in the morning.


In this article, I have mentioned simple 10 minutes easy tasks to maintain our mental and physical health. Everybody can follow every task. If one follows all the tasks it will benefit him more, but if one follows only those he has some interest in, which will be sufficient too. There is no hard work needed. These are small minor tasks that anyone can follow easily without getting any extra burden or being in a difficult situation. I hope you all like this article.



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