Waiting for Godot Represents The Plight of a Modern Man



This article is also the answer to the question given below:

About what is the play Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett? How does it represent the plight of modern man in this world? Elucidate with relevant examples from the text.

The play Waiting for Godot is about the idea of the theatre of the absurd written by Samuel Beckett. It is illogical and meaningless to have an underline meaning that means a lot. It is a two-act play with almost six characters though the sixth character Godot does not appear in it. The central theme is waiting. The two main characters of this play are Vladimir and Estragon. They meet under the tree while waiting for Mr. Godot. They do many things to spend their phase that are useless and meaningless and talk about different topics, which are illogical, irrational, and meaningless except for some. Two more characters, Pozzo and Lucky, appear in this play. They are there to entertain Vladimir and Estragon. They help them in passing their span.

The play Waiting for Godot is an exact representation of modernism as it highlights the plight of modern man. In this context, we will talk about some themes that will relate the play to the modern world and a plight of a modern man in this very play.

Humor and Absurd:

In this play, there are so many lines that are meaningless and senseless. Beckett is playing with the words in this play. Characters lose their memory about the things and the people they met yesterday. It is absurdist humor. Estragon, Pozzo, and Lucky don’t remember anything which happened to them yesterday. There are so many things in the play that they do not even know. The words “Billions of others”, that have beaten Estragon, and the word “They” refer to nothing. They do not know about themselves. Lucky was maltreated on stage by his master.

The circumstances with modern man are the same. Two people start talking to each other without any purpose, and their talk is of no use, meaningless. Mostly, people look humorous and are doing things that are free of meaning and have no significance, absurd. People are anxious, and hopelessness prevails as they are in a difficult situation.


Waiting is the central theme of the play. Both characters, Vladimir and Estragon, spend the whole duration waiting for Mr. Godot. On the other hand, their waiting goes in vain because Mr. Godot does not arrive.

Modern man is also dreaming and waiting for something in this modern world, someone for his success, someone for money, someone for power, and a lot more. So modern men are full of hope and wait. Some of them get it, and some do not get it.


The waiting of the characters Vladimir and Estragon in the play leads them to boredom. This extreme boredom paves the way for them to think of suicide. They, again and again, think of doing something as if they have nothing to do and there is nothing to be done.

The same is the case with modern man. A vast percentage is free and has nothing to do with this contemporary world. Modern men are getting bored in their lives and spend their precious period on mobile phones. They do many useless things to pass their leisure time until this boredom leads them to death.


Time is uncertain in this play. No one knows the exact phase in which the scene is going on. In act 2, both characters disagree on the stretch. One of them refers to the thing that time has stopped. There is an endless ending to the play that seems to have a continuing nature.

In this world, modern people are uncertain of time and have no fixed plans. They have an irregular routine. On the other hand, some people are so busy in their daily routine that they forget about time and do not even know the date and the time which they are.


Estragon feels hungry. He was relying on the leftover bones of Pozzo due to extreme starvation. Lucky suffers a lot as a slave. Pozzo manipulated and treated Lucky as an object of entertainment.

The poor class faces the same situation, starving and eating the leftovers from dustbins. No rich man is good enough to feed any poor. Their circumstances are very much sad and challenging.

Dehumanization/Lack of dignity:

Inadequate treatment of Lucky, calling him a pig, and asking him for the leftover bones portray the theme of dehumanization.

Modern people, no matter whether they are rich or poor, they have lost their dignity. No gentleman is remaining inside them.


The theme of isolation is also very much prominent in this play. All of the characters are living in an isolated state. They do not have any contact with the social world.

The situation of modern man is the same. They do not even know about their mates and neighbors.


The character of Pozzo represents the theme of power. He is the master of Lucky. He is abusing him and treating him inadequately.

In this world, the situation of modern man is somehow like this. Those in power are the masters of poor people and behave toward their servants in a rude and immoral manner.


This statement is extensively clear that this play is the exact representation of the plight of the modern man in this world by discussing some themes of Waiting for Godot and relating them with the current situation and the condition of modern men.



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