Theory of Culture Affecting Cognitive Development by Vygotsky



This article is also the answer to the question given below:

How does Vygotsky place more emphasis on culture affecting cognitive development?

It is of utmost importance to have a detailed explanation of cognitive development before answering the question.

Cognitive Development:

When a child is born and starts growing, it goes through different stages of development, physical, language, cognitive and social. All of these developments are discussed and experimented on by scientists, and so many theories are also there about them. Cognitive development is how a child thinks, figures out things, or explores. So this development is about knowledge, disposition, skills, and others.

Vygotsky has discussed cognitive development with cultural effects in detail. His point of view was that a child goes through social interaction which is more important in cognitive development than the individual process will take place. It is also known as social development theory. , The community plays a crucial role in modifying the meaning of the words spoken by the child following the cognitive development theory.

According to Piaget, the individual process is before social interaction in cognitive development, but while this theory was in the field, Vygotsky, against this theory by applying the sociocultural approach to cognitive development, stated this thing by his personal experience, experiments, and research that culture affects cognitive development. And both psycholinguistics were contrasting each other. Vygotsky said that social interaction is the origin of cognitive development.

Every child has the ability to speak and learn, but according to Vygotsky, the environment in which a child is living influences his thinking process that how he thinks or what he thinks.

Adults play an influential role in developing a child, as one child will barely learn without guidance from a skilled tutor, but if he is under the direction of an experienced tutor, he will understand better and quickly. The child's attention, sensation, perception, and memory will grow according to the environment in which he is living. For example, a boy solving a jigsaw will learn to solve it faster and more excellently under the guidance of his father than that child who is trying to solve a jigsaw on his own.

We can take the example of multiple children from different societies who can use their memory. They will use it, but the strategy to use this ability will differ and vary with their respective cultures. For example, in previous times, children used their brains to remember something or to remember with knots or beads that were their culture to use the strategy of memory. However, in our culture, the approach to use the ability of memory is by taking notes. That is how culture affects cognitive development. Tools of intellectual development are different from culture to culture.

Although children are curious to learn and try to learn more and more, according to Vygotsky, social interaction will come before their learning process.


After studying all these statements and examples, we see that Vygotsky favored culture in cognitive development. He put culture in the first place than individual learning processes. These statements and examples prove that Vygotsky has placed more emphasis on culture affecting cognitive development.


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